Monday, January 12, 2009

The Human Face of War

Wow. Some days I (Nora) don't realize how lucky I am to have the job that I do -- to be working for sustainability and peace. Like virtually all jobs, sometimes it occurs as an obligation -- like I "have to" go to work in the morning. Well, not today.

This morning, we (Paul and Nora) went to visit with a three-year-old Iraqi boy, Mustafa, and his father, Ghazwan, who were flown here thanks to the financial support of The Ruth Group and No More Victims. In June, a US missile landed next door to Mustafa and Ghazwan's house, killing three neighboring children and causing Mustafa to go deaf. There are not currently medical facilities in Iraq to provide Mustafa the cochlear implant surgery he needs to recover his hearing, hence the inspiring and generous efforts by the above organizations to help.

You can read more about his story here.

We met with them to consider how we can bring this story of the human cost of war to the youth we work with. Each missile dropped on Iraq that may or not make the papers here causes untold damage to innocent kids like Mustafa and adults like Ghazwan (a professor in Iraq).

The most memorable part of my experience, besides playing by the dollhouse with the adorable Mustafa, was saying something I felt compelled to say to Ghazwan. I'm not sure he understood, but I got teary when I said, "I am so sorry for what our country has done to you."

We will keep you posted on how we will bring Mustafa's important story to our students and beyond, and appreciate feedback.

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