Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Welcome to our new blog!

This blog is an opportunity for us to share about the great work Next Generation is doing -- promoting peace and sustainability in Marin County, CA!

For example, just today at St. Marks elementary school in San Rafael, Rebecca Mullaney, our program director, worked with 7th and 8th grade science students to complete a sheet mulching project in the garden in preparation for a native plant garden.

Also today, Nora Kramer, our teen program coordinator, worked with the Environmental Action Club at Davidson Middle School to facilitate an audit of all of the recycling bins at the school. The 6th graders also made signs to encourage recycling and not littering, which will be going up around the school after Thanksgiving break, while the 7th and 8th graders are working on a plan to collect all of the bottles and cans at the school to begin a fund to purchase for solar panels.

Just another day at Next Gen! And all this after just moving to our new office this weekend!

Back at the new ranch, Marijanna Shurtz, our administrative assistant, and Paul Raia, our executive director, were continuing to set up our new office in San Rafael! It looks great! You should come check it out and visit us! We're at 1363 Lincoln Ave. Suite 5.

Check back often to keep track of what we're up to! And, of course, you can donate here to support our important work!